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Short Code : Hot flashesIrritabilityMood swingsLack of energyWeight gainInability to sleepThinning hair If I listed these symptoms without context, I’m sure most of you can diagnose the… No, it's not normal! I recently had the opportunity to host an online talk for a company to delve into the unknown world of… I’m writing this to share my journey- through client feedback, personal experience and my daughters’ too. Milk is a commonly debated topic, with a… How cool to be able to drink a can of coke and not put on any weight! Or eat your favourite ice cream and…Meno-pause
Feeling Tired All the Time?
The Dairy Debate
The Truth about Artificial Sweeteners
Hot flashesIrritabilityMood swingsLack of energyWeight gainInability to sleepThinning hair If I listed these symptoms without context, I’m sure most of you can diagnose the…
Read MoreFeeling Tired All the Time?
No, it's not normal! I recently had the opportunity to host an online talk for a company to delve into the unknown world of…
Read MoreThe Dairy Debate
I’m writing this to share my journey- through client feedback, personal experience and my daughters’ too. Milk is a commonly debated topic, with a…
Read MoreThe Truth about Artificial Sweeteners
How cool to be able to drink a can of coke and not put on any weight! Or eat your favourite ice cream and…
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